Thursday, November 27, 2008

Animation In Progress- Bird Calls part 1- Animatic

Found Sound Assignment: part 1

Agrggh... My second to last animation for my Animation III class is probably the most production heavy assignment I've done yet... :P

I HATE it...

The assignment was to go to and create an animation based on an artist with sound found on the website. I picked "Birdcalls" (God knows why...) by photographer Lousie Laweler.

This assignment is about 1 minute and 30 seconds of hand drawn animation, full of composting, over layering movements, and 3 extremely annoying women making bird calls for no apparent reason.

Here's the Animatic, done in Flash. My teacher liked my sketchy-ness in Flash so much he insisted I do everything hand drawn with a pencil, on paper........... Damn It! >:(

I hope I can get this done before Winter Animation Reviews... And this isn't even my final assignment... *Cries*

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